Applicator Certificate Request

When installing FacadesXi WaterShield, WaterShield Xterior Insulation, Xterior Insulation, Masonry Veneer Installations and FacadesOne Assemblies and products. A listed applicator certificate is required to apply for a project warranty.

FacadesXi provides extensive product literature including: Application Guides, Details, Specifications, Product Datasheets, Technical Bulletins and Code Reports. This literature covers all aspects of installation, pre-installation and care instructions and is available at

FacadesXi also offers in person seminars to review the literature listed above.

Upon thorough review and acceptance and with good standing with the applicable distributor, we issue an applicator certificate valid for two years.

Please complete the following (* Indicates required question)
Type of Applicator Certificate*(Required)
Company Address(Required)
Company Details
Company Profile
How long have you been in business?
What areas do you specialize in?

Applicator Agreement*(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.