Unlock the benefits of superior protection and advanced energy efficiency with our low maintenance, long-lasting stucco wall systems.
Facades Xi High-Performance Stucco
System for Superior Protection
Three Coat Stucco Assembly
FACADESTHREE is a traditional scratch and brown stucco wall assembly that complies with the International Building Code, International Residential Code, and ASTM C926 in a warrantable assembly.
FACADESTHREE is installed as a traditional three-coat scratch and brown thick base coat. Its popular uses include exterior, interior, high impact requirement, new, retrofit, residential, mult-family, commercial, panelized, institutional, hotel, hospital, retail center, school, condominium, and government facility application.
- Superior water and air barrier protection with single source warranty
- Xi Advantage: EPS, XPS or Polyisocyanurate Insulation Board
- Decrease the appearance of hairline cracks in the stucco surface.
- Strength Advantage: Xi-Admix
- Consistency Enhancement: Xi-Alkali Resistant Primer
- Factory prepared mixed stucco base for consistent field quality control
- Impact and puncture resistant.
- Highest quality acrylic and elastomeric finishes
- EPS shapes for archi tectural details
- Non-combustible and Fire resistant assemblies are available
One Coat Stucco Assembly
FACADESONE is our fully-tested and engineered one coat stucco wall assembly. It combines the benefits of a long life cycle, durability, and traditional aesthetics found in our three coat system with shorter scheduling and lower labor costs.
FACADESONE is installed as a one coat 3/8” thick code compliant assembly or as a traditional scratch and brown stucco. Its typical uses include exterior, interior, high impact requirement, new, retrofit, residential, multi-family, commercial, panelized, institutional, hotel, hospital, retail center, school, condominium, and government facility application.
- Superior water and air barrier protection with single source warranty
- Xi Advantage: EPS, XPS or Polyisocyanurate Insulation Board
- Decrease the appearance of hairline cracks in the stucco surface.
- Strength Advantage: Xi-Admix
- Consistency Enhancement: Xi-Alkali Resistant Primer
- Factory prepared mixed stucco base for consistent field quality control
- Impact and puncture resistant.
- Highest quality acrylic and elastomeric finishes
- EPS shapes for archi tectural details
- Non-combustible and Fire resistant assemblies are available
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